Bacterial vaginosis (also known as BV) is an abnormal vaginal condition; it is one of the most common causes of vaginal discharge in women of child bearing age.
Its cause is not fully understood, but it is clinically defined that BV arises from an overgrowth of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis is not dangerous, but it can cause disturbing symptoms.
Most women do not experience symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and do not even know they have it, but when/if they do they are:
- vaginal discharge (thin watery discharge), and
- vaginal odor.
If you suspect that you have bacterial vaginosis (BV) visit your Doctor or healthcare practitioner to ensure that you are getting the correct diagnosis or treatment options for bacterial vaginosis.
What is Trichomoniasis?
Trichomoniasis is caused by infection with a protozoan parasite (A large group of one-celled organisms called protists that live in water or as parasites.
The parasite is passed from an infected person to an uninfected person during sex. In women, the most commonly infected part of the body is the lower genital tract (vulva, vagina, or urethra), and in men, the most commonly infected body part is the inside of the penis (urethra). During sex, the parasite is usually transmitted from a penis to a vagina, or from a vagina to a penis, but it can also be passed from a vagina to another vagina.
What are the signs and symptoms of trichomoniasis?
About 70% of infected people do not have any signs or symptoms. When trichomoniasis does cause symptoms, they can range from:
- mild irritation to severe inflammation(swelling). Some people with symptoms get them within 5 to 28 days after being infected, but others do not develop symptoms until much later.
- Men with trichomoniasis may feel itching or irritation inside the penis, burning after urination or ejaculation, or some discharge from the penis.
- Women with trichomoniasis may notice itching, burning, redness or soreness of the genitals, discomfort with urination, or a thin discharge with an unusual smell that can be clear, white, yellowish, or greenish.
- Having trichomoniasis can make it feel unpleasant to have sex. Without treatment, the infection can last for months or even years.
- If you suspect that you have Trichomoniasis visit your Doctor or healthcare practitioner to ensurethat you are getting the correct diagnosis or treatment.